Shoreline Modification Information
Naturalized shoreline on Wabamun Lake (photo credit: Sandy Gunderson)
Shoreline Modification Requirements
Are you planning to modify shoreline on your property? If so, you must obtain authorization from Alberta Environment and Protected Areas (EPA). This is to ensure that aquatic life and water quality issues are considered, that any unanticipated issues are addressed before construction, and that construction does not occur during sensitive times when fish spawn or birds nest. Go to EPA’s Lakeshores page for more information on what’s required. As well, go to the Water Act’s Shoreline Water Body Modifications PDF.
Also, you might require approval from Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Go to their page to learn whether your project requires their approval.
If your shoreline includes a municipal or environmental reserve, you should contact your municipality about what it requires.
It’s important to plan your project properly with the required approvals so that your shoreline will have minimal if not positive impact on the health of the lake. Examples of Shoreline modification projects and sample applications are listed here: Shoreline Stabilization Projects Application Procedures and Examples