Lakescape is the newsletter of the Wabamun Watershed Management Council. It is published quarterly for the benefit of council members as well as other stakeholders in the Wabamun watershed. All material is copyright the WWMC, unless otherwise specified. Editor: Sheila Smith (
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Welcome to the Winter 2025 edition of the new-look Lakescape! Get the latest updates on areas of concern for Wabamun Lake, plus some cold-weather fun and advice on how you can help Keep Wabamun Lake Clean and Clear!
Have a look at the fresh new design of Lakescape! It was another busy summer season at Wabamun Lake, and the Fall edition of the WWMC newsletter will catch you up on all those important activities and give you a look ahead at what's coming up as the weather turns cool.
Summer at Wabamun Lake means fun for all those who come to the lake to enjoy the natural setting of a freshwater lake, spending time near and on the water and appreciating the biodiversity in the area. Unfortunately, the health of Wabamun Lake and balanced aquatic ecosystems with robust diversity are under constant threat.
Welcome to the Spring edition of Lakescape, where we hope to inform you about WWMC updates, information about watershed events and the data resources available to help you stay informed about the lake and watershed: Alberta Climate, water level and LakePulse data resources; Bioengineering workshop (willow-staking) on Sat. May 11th; A call to ‘Join the WWMC Board of Directors’; Wabamun Fishery
Winter, with very cold temperatures and snow, arrived in earnest in the Wabamun watershed in January. The much-needed snow/precipitation is welcome amidst increasing concerns about drought conditions throughout Alberta.
Forty-three years ago (November 1980), the provincial government of the day appointed a Lake Wabamun Watershed Advisory Committee “to look at the problem of weed growth in the lake.” The committee held numerous meetings and public events, conducted research, and published a report in 1983.
Welcome to Summer, Lake Water Level and Water Treatment Plant, Whitewood Sands Shoreline Restoration Update, Lakewatch Water Sampling, Sundance Boat Launch, Alberta Health Services Water Monitoring
Signs of Spring, Registered Charity, Membership Changes, 2023 Board of Directors (continued), Lake Water Level Update, South Shore Boat Launch Update
2023 Board of Directors, Government Representatives, Water Sampling, Whitewood Sands Restoration Update, Pick-up after Your Dog
A Busy Summer, Water Level Update, ALMS Conference, Purple Loosestrife Eradication, Whitewood Sands Shoreline Restoration, Curlex Blocks, Lake Tours
Boat Inspection Demonstration—Aquatic Invasive Species, Sundance Boat Launch, TransAlta Water Treatment Plant, Highvale Mine Reclamation, LakeWatch Report—Lake Water Quality
Welcome to Spring, Implementing the Watershed Management Plan, Winter Water Sampling, Boat Launch Update, New Board Members, Watershed Wednesdays
Welcome Back, Watershed Management Plan (final), ALMS water sampling, satellite water sampling, LakeWatch Report, Highway 16 Access, Municipal Elections
Adjusting to the “New Normal”, ALMS LakeWatch Report—water quality, Winter Water Samples, Watershed Management Plan public engagement rollout.